The Union of Black Episcopalians has been meeting in Houston. BARBARA KARKABI writes in the
HOUSTON CHRONICLE [my emphasis] -
When one is oppressed, all are oppressed, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church told church members Wednesday.Read all of the Chron article here.
Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori noted the irony of holding a "reconciliation Eucharist" on the Fourth of July, a day the nation celebrates freedom.
"The reality is that reconciliation and freedom go hand in hand," she told Houstonians and members of the Union of Black Episcopalians in a morning service at downtown's Christ Church Cathedral. "The irony is that freedom, reconciliation and the reign of God are all around us, and yet none of them is fully known or experienced — not yet."
Betty Conrad Adam, Canon Theologian at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, whom I met years ago when we both worked in the Texas Medical Center - she was a lay chaplain at M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital - blogs about the gathering here, here & here.
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