Tuesday, January 8, 2008


If the zoning rewrite is such a mish-mash - or as, Tim Ashe, the Prepublican city councilor, put it, a "hodgepodge of ideas" - why vote for it? As the BFP reports today, it passed unanimously. (Outgoing Councilor Cheryl McDonough removed her name as a sponsor.) Still, during the public comment at the meeting, residents Bill Stuono and Maurice Mahoney voiced extreme concern about the final draft; it would seem what they had to say did not sink in with the councilors.

BTW, check your print copies of today's Free Press. There's a zippy insert announcing the last call for information, and, presumably, public comment on the Moran Plant redevelopment pushed on the residents by Mayor Kiss and his CEDO hacks. No attribution in the advertisement supplement in the paper, you'll see. Our tax dollars at work? (CEDO gets a bulk of its funding from federal tax dollars.) Are the Democratic city councilors fuming? They should be asking a lot of questions about this advertisement and the scheduling of this final informational meeting on Thursday, 10 January at Contois. Coincidentally, it's the same day Burlington Democrats are caucusing.

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