Thursday, January 1, 2009


Yet another insult to women: Obama chooses a sexist pastor for his Inaugural
Rick Warren is a male supremacist. He’s a man who picks and chooses his Bible verses to buttress his preferred beliefs. Selecting him, of all people, to deliver the Inaugural invocation is yet another insult to the millions of women who voted for Obama, trusting — despite the sexism of the campaign — that Barack Obama would prove to be a champion of equality.

It’s not as if we have a shortage of Christian ministers in this country. Obama could have chosen a progressive, like Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, thus sending a powerful message of religious faith twinned with social justice.
I thought Bishop Jefferts Schori would have been a far better choice, too.

Thanks to Godless Liberal Homo for the link to the Reclusive Leftist post.


  1. I'm glad you are bringing up this important subject.

  2. While I do generally support Obama (voted for him of course) and am overjoyed that he won against McCain, I was displeased with his inaugural pick as well. I get a chuckle when I imagine what kind of a religious firestorm of venomous rhetoric it would have brought if he had picked Bishop Eugene Robinson :-P


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