Thursday, September 27, 2007

Iraq est omnis divisa in partes tres

The Senate has voted overwhelmingly to split Iraq in three. lenin at The Tomb warned us repeatedly of the plan.

Two comments made on his post --
The structual weakening of Iraq was part of the purpose of the invasion, a weakened 'confederation' or division has been an American/Israeli goal since the beginning. They are achieving that. The ethnic cleansing is, and has been, a part of the acceptable.

The loose confederation model will also be an option bruited for Iran.

The weakened Lebanon is as they like it.

The long-term difficulties are Saudia Arabia and Egypt, which have totalitarian regimes supported by Israel-America, and which endorse the most regressive of Arab misfortunes.

Prognosis. Years of pain and bloodshed as America "holds on" as an occupier seeking the appropriate petty tyrants for the diminshed Arab states, the loss of Palestine as anything other than a sad joke, a bombed Iran. Repression in Egypt and Saudia Arabia.

If Giulliani gets in as President, you will know that America has lost even the pretense of democracy.
Castellio 27 Sep, 20:40
So much for Iraq sovereignty. How can they pretend to be independent if we keep making their decisions for them (like that Blackwater thing)?

Much of what the Bush Administration has done is to destabilize the region, thereby making it much more susceptible to Iranian influence. So the hubbub toward Iran and its president seems more of the lady doth protest too much than real sabre rattling. And does this means Turkey gets to invade Kurdestan?
Madame X 27 Sep, 21:55


  1. Hi Jayv, remember to check out all the latest on TombWatch.

  2. And also Jayv, be sure to check out the latest at Fox News!

  3. hey, mike, no thanks. I like my sauce a lil zippier than HP's.

    Anon, enough of the faux comments, already!


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