Saturday, September 15, 2007

Time to Take a Stand on Democratic Flip Floppers

Paul Krugman pretty much lays it out on the table regarding the Petraeus dog and pony show and how the idiots in Washington respond. It was written a week ago, before the congressional hearings, but it hits the nail.
There are five things I hope Democrats in Congress will remember.

First, no independent assessment has concluded that violence in Iraq is down.
Second, Gen. Petraeus has a history of making wildly overoptimistic assessments of progress in Iraq that happen to be convenient for his political masters.
Third, any plan that depends on the White House recognizing reality is an idle fantasy.
Fourth, the lesson of the past six years is that Republicans will accuse Democrats of being unpatriotic no matter what the Democrats do.
Finally, the public hates this war and wants to see it ended. Voters are exasperated with the Democrats, not because they think Congressional leaders are too liberal, but because they don't see Congress doing anything to stop the war.

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