Saturday, November 18, 2006

On MSM Narratives and Criticisms

It's what these pundits and journalists do. They have pre-conceived, vapid notions about everything and everyone -- all driven by deep self-love for their own superior wisdom -- and they distort reality and crowd out sober analysis of everything that matters. Nancy Pelosi, and really everyone, would be well-advised not to listen to them and, above all, never adopt as a goal trying to please or satisfy them. They are frivolous and out of touch with everything that matters and should be treated as such.

That about sums it up for me regarding the MSM pundits. If you click the above and read all if it, it's clear the Washington media establishment hates and fears Pelosi. (I knew she was in trouble when I read a piece about her in the Style (Style section?) of the WaPo on the Friday, November 10th, just 3 days after election day.)

They all love a down and dirty fight, but it's all a diversion for them, because they don't really do their job. So much for the "Fourth Estate."

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