This is the video that Bradley Manning says pushed him to upload to Wikileaks.
Paul Jay of TRNN interviews Josh Stieber, who was in Baghdad from February, 2007 to April, 2008 with the military company shown in the Collater Murder video.
JAY: Was there any sense that the guys in the Apache helicopters had done anything wrong? Or this was par for the course?
The people in the video, you know, as you can see, weren't actually on
the scene as they saw what happened from the helicopter. So you just
kind of trust what you're told. If someone tells you, you know, this is
what I saw and this is what I did, then you kind of take them at face
value, 'cause there's really no way to prove or to examine otherwise. So
perspective from the helicopter, without this video or without other
eyewitnesses, really couldn't be verified.
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3 years ago
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